Van Aire Skyport (CO12) is a private, residential fly-in community located just east of Brighton, Colorado, about 20 miles northeast of The Gateway to The Rocky Mountains, Denver, Colorado.
The next regular monthly VASC Board of Directors meeting will convene at 6:00 pm on April; 17, 2025 the Jim and Jeanette Vyduna Residence at 15886 Delta Court, Brighton, CO 80603.
Click on "Pages and Links" to view the most recent meeting minutes.
The 2024 VASC Board of Directors is comprised of:
Maureen Bendure, Vice-President, Block 1B Representative
D.J. Hernandez, Block 1A Representative
Tom Edwards, Block 2A Representative
Carl "Buddy" Goeritz, Block 2B Representative
Charles Elliston, President, At-large Representative
Other Officers:
Jeanette Vyduna, Treasurer
Mandy Donovan, Secretary
Office Manager: Ron Stites
Visitors and guests
Non-resident visitors and guests of residents wishing to use the Van Aire Skyport Runway, or utilize the Community Common Areas are advised that they do so at their own risk.
Non-resident visitors are required to complete a Release and Indemnification To Use Airstrip form and familiarize themselves with the Van Aire Skyport Airport Rules and Regulations and the provisions of FAA Advisory Circular AC 90-66C NON-TOWERED AIRPORT OPERATIONS (available at the links below). After completion, the form may then e-mailed to
Guests of Van Aire Skyport residents will be supervised at all times by their resident sponsors and are expected to be familiar and comply with our Van Aire Skyport Corporation AIRPORT RULES AND REGULATIONS, and the provisions of FAA Advisory Circular AC 90-66C NON-TOWERED AIRPORT OPERATIONS. Both documents may be found under the "Pages and Links to both documents are provided below:
Van Aire Skyport Airport Operating Rules and Regulations
AC 90-66C Non-towered Airport Operations